March 14, 2011

Words of Wisdom - #9

** Make sure you only say things around the kids that you don't mind being repeated. **

When my son was in the 1st grade I volunteer in his classroom twice a month. One day I was there helping out and I got there just as the kids were doing show-and-tell. The teacher had 4-5 kids each day stand up in front of the class and either show something they brought from home or tell the class something. One of the kids had brought a picture of his new baby sister to show to the class. Then it was my son's turn and he got up in front of the class and told everyone that his mom was going to have another baby! We had just told the kids the day before that I was pregnant with baby #5. I just had to sit there and laugh and the teacher asked me later if it was true and if I was okay with him announcing it.

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